Have you ever wondered why we as humans are so resistant to change? I mean, sure we love new things like movies, music, and the like, but real life change!?! I think we like to resist at all costs. Whether it is changing a simple way of doing something (how resistant is a church to changing simple music?) or whether it is making significant life change, such as moving, changing the way one thinks about theology, or the like. We always seem to resist change - why? Are we only resistant to change because we worry? Cause if that's the case then maybe we need to place that area of our life into the hands of the living God. I mean, doesn't it tell us that worrying about something isn't going to make anything better. Is it this worry about change that makes us shy away from it? Or could it be that we are just plain stubborn? Either way, I hope that we would be able to embrace change, see it as another opportunity to learn from God. If not then we will fight change tooth and nail, and we might come out the other side changed not for the better but for the worse.