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Monday, September 18, 2006 

Weekend Update

This weekend we headed out to Arlington Beach Camp for our annual Board/Staff Retreat. This summer has been so busy with work at our new building that we haven't had much time to get together as a staff and plan things for the new year or to even hangout together. It was alot of time spent discussing things for the coming year and some great hangout times in the evenings. While there was alot of discussion this weekend, we now need to get down to the implimentation of what we talked about. There is still alot to do and our first Dimension Four (which is our Jr. High clubs) nights are starting this week. I lead one on Tuesdays and that means only one day before it starts and we still are trying to nail down volunteers. Good thing I am not in control of the ministry but only a tool seeking to be used by God. Sometimes it is hard to see how I should be used and sometimes we can focus too much on our relationships with others and forget to focus on our relationship with God. When we try to love everyone we will fail, but when we let God use us, HE will succeed.

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  • I'm Daryl
  • From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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