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Tuesday, September 19, 2006 

Computer Project Phase One

Update to the computer project that I had talked about earlier. First of all, I have been able to raise $2000 towards the project and therefore I was able to purchase a new computer for myself at the office. That's right I got a new 20inch iMac and I only used it for the day and I love it. With it I will be able to run Mac OSX and WinXP! As the 'tech guy' at our office I am trying to switch everyone over to a mac and so far it is working out great. Another blessing that God gave us on this project was finding a good deal on this iMac and getting it for only $1100! This would retail for $1699. Stay tuned for updates on Phase Two, that's if I can raise quite abit more money for the server that we need at the office. Thanks to everyone who has given already. Blessings.

You'd think with that new fancy computer you could update your blog now and then....:)

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  • I'm Daryl
  • From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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