So today is the first day of Spring, for nerds like me; yes I admit it, today is known as the Vernal Equinox. Following is some info for those that didn't already know this info. The date (near March 21 in the northern hemisphere) when night and day are nearly the
same length and Sun crosses the celestial equator (i.e., declination 0) moving northward. In the southern hemisphere, the vernal equinox corresponds to the center of the Sun crossing the celestial equator moving southward and occurs on the date of the northern autumnal equinox. The vernal equinox marks the first day of the season of spring. The right ascension at the vernal equinox originally was in the constellation Aries and the point of crossing was known as the first point in Aries (now actually in Pisces because of precession So I admit that I didn't know all of this (mainly the part of Aries). In layman's terms, today is Spring. Enough said.
Ahhh. 1 day closer to riding.
Posted by Eric | 4:54 PM