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Saturday, April 07, 2007 

People formerly known as The Congregation

The People formerly known as The Congregation

This is a great post that I just had to link to here. There has been alot of people commenting on it and writing there own additions or responses. Give it a good read. However, if you don't here are some great quotes from it to get you interested.

We no longer buy your call to be "fastest growing" church in wherever. That is your need. You want a bigger audience. We won't be part of one.
Our ears are still ringing from the volume, but...Jesus is not our boyfriend - and we will no longer sing your silly love songs that suggest He is.
We are The People formerly known as The Congregation. We have not stopped loving the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Just wondering how you came across this article? I'm working through a book called "Dear Church-Letters From a Disillusioned Generation" by Sarah Cunningham. Same general feel. Do you know alot of people our age reacting, like the article, to "tradional church"? Anyways if you find more websites speaking on grace like this one could you pass them on to me. Thanks. Although we are associated with a church, my heart and spirit are hoping for something else...still hard to identify. I'm glad other people are talking.

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  • From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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