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Tuesday, March 13, 2007 

Wanted: Prayer Team Members

I have been struck with a deep sense of conviction after reading the article about Daniel Nash. Read Here. Ever since I have read this article I feel that I must do something to beginning praying for ministries in a deeper way. Therefore, I am going to start by setting up a prayer team to pray for Youth For Christ's annual California Breakaway trip. This is a trip during the spring break for High School students from all over Saskatchewan. The trip has quite a large portion of unchurched students and the trip features small group meetings through the 10days as well as a speaker during some large group meetings. Here is what I am looking for...

-Team Members who would commit to praying daily for the trip for 1 full hour.

-Within the prayer team praying for each student and staff member by name.

-Meeting corporately to pray at the same time as the large group meetings being held during the trip.

As a staff member for YFC I would seek to provide a link between the team and the trip to held obtain specific prayer requests as often as possible. I would also seek to have "what to pray for" sheets for each team member to pray for.

My purpose in setting up this prayer team is, "To fervently approach God for salvation to be rooted in the lives of each student through focused continual prayer."

This is my call to action. If you are interested in being apart of this prayer team, please email me at "daryl AT"

If you cannot commit to this prayer team, there is still ways in which you can get involved. One, you can join us for corporate prayer, which will be announced on this blog at a later time or Two, you can spend time praying through prayer requests either at home, or by visiting the prayer room. (email me and I can tell you where it is and how to get to it). I will post updates for pray either directly on this blog or I will post a link to where to view the prayer requests. Stay tuned for more info.


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  • I'm Daryl
  • From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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