So many of you may have already read my
wife's blog which tells how we discovered last week that we are going to be having a girl. That's right, I am going to be a father to a girl. Not sure what that means, but it could include many dresses, tea parties, dolls, and scaring future boyfriends. Although I think it could include some sports and otherwise guys things. After all, she will be my wife's child as well, and she wasn't exactly the first girl jumping to wear pink when she was younger. I guess I will have to fine some girly looking basketball uniforms. Hmmmm...which NBA or College team has the most girly looking colors...if you have any suggestions please let me know.
After being told we where having a girl, it seems very anticlimatic, afterall it wasn't the doctor announcing, "It's a Girl," although that will come yet. I am glad that we know already especially since it came at a surprise that we were even able to find out. It was kinda of a bonus that we found out when we didn't expect to till the big day. All I can say is that I can't wait to lay eyes on my daughter for the first time. Soon I will have two princess' in my life, although I am abit worried that it means two Queens in my life. (I guess my Dad had three Queens to worry about so he probably has some good advice) But in seriousness, I feel so blessed. Just less than 9 months ago Dawn and I where eagerly waiting for a phone call to let us know whether the procedure was successful. Those three years of dealing with infertility I believe are helping us to see how blessed we are. Knowing that we are having a girl has just brought the reality of being a father that much closer. I can't wait!!